by George Bato | Feb 27, 2022
HARTFORD COURT 2019 CHARDONNAYFOUR HEARTS VINEYARD RUSSIAN RIVER VALLEY “Character through adversity” is the Hartford Family’s motto as they believe adversity causes the vines, and humankind alike, to adapt to their surroundings, building...
by George Bato | Dec 12, 2021
LIMERICK LANE2020 ZINFANDEL RUSSIAN RIVER VALLEYSONOMA COUNTY Limerick Lane dials in an ideal balance of rich, powerful, and expressive Zinfandel that’s simultaneously fresh, bright, and focused. The winery is run by fourth-generation vigneron, Jake Bilbro who...
by George Bato | Aug 11, 2021
MIURA VINEYARDS 2017 PINOT NOIRROCHIOLI VINEYARD RUSSIAN RIVER VALLEY Master Sommelier Emmanuel Kemiji’s purpose for Miura is to produce Pinot Noir from vineyards representing California’s finest. His Crown Jewell, Rochioli Vineyard Pinot Noir, resulted from...
by George Bato | Jun 22, 2021
GAMBA VINEYARDS & WINERY 2019 ‘MCM’ OLD VINE ZINFANDELGAMBA ESTATE VINEYARD RUSSIAN RIVER VALLEY Gamba Vineyards and Winery is one of the premier growers and producers of Old Vine Zinfandel in the Russian River Valley. The Gamba Estate Old Vine...
by George Bato | May 5, 2021
GAMBA VINEYARDS & WINERY 2019 FAMILY RANCHES ZINFANDELRUSSIAN RIVER VALLEY SONOMA COUNTY Gamba Vineyards & Winery a family-owned and operated winery located in the Russian River Valley, and specializing in Sonoma County Zinfandel, blends and other...